Nadagamkarayo is a popular Sri Lankan teledrama series broadcasting on the Swarnawahini television channel. The story revolves around a rowdy gang lead by a hooligan named ‘Sara.’ He runs an illegal liquor business in the village and has a grudge with a person called ‘Kekula.’ The Thero and the master of the village are on a mission to get this rowdy gang to the correct way despite their intolerable behaviour.
The main cast is enriched with famous and talented actors including, Sajitha Anuththara, Prasannajith Abeysuriya, Senali Fonseka, Rahal Bulathsinhala, Kokila Pawan Jayasooriya, Giriraj Kaushalya and Sangeeth Prabhu.
This teledrama was able to change most of the actors’ lives. It was a remarkable turning point in the lives of Praveena Dissanayake (Geethika) and Sasmitha Dilshan (Gajaman). Also, Ruwan Perera who acted as Kekula (the rival of Sara) was threatened in real life by some fans of Sara. That incident clearly shows that Nadagamkarayo is so close to the real lives of viewers making them forget that it is just a teledrama.
The immense popularity of teledrama was manifested at the Sumathi Awards 2021. Sajitha Anuththara and Senali Fonseka won the awards for Most Popular Teledrama Actor and Most Popular Teledrama Actress respectively.
Nadagamkarayo airs every weekday from 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm on Swarnawahini. It is engraved on the hearts of millions of Sri Lankans. Without a doubt, it is one of the most popular teledramas in Sri Lankan cinema history.