Pasan Liyanage can be identified as an talent music producer in Sri Lanka. He incredibly loved music since his childhood. He created his first radio hit when he was just 15 years old. Then he enlightened the music industry with “Surangani” song which was a great hit in those days. Gathering a lot of hopes and intentions, Pasan started his own company and named it Redfox (PVT). He said that he intends to sell audio equipment, grow their own online apps, collect more artists to his company and release their tracks on his channel. If you’re a newbie and would like to become a successful music producer in the future, Pasan advises you to deeply explore the music industry and make it a passion.

First, Let’s talk about your music career
Since I was a kid, I had a passion for music. When I was at grade 6,7 I started learning western music. After studying well in school, I worked as an assistant for Mr. Ranga Dasanayake for several years. Then I started my own company named Redfox. At present, I’m engaged in the advertising field at Redfox.
Did you study Music abroad?
Actually, No. In most cases, I self-studied. You can learn western music theory in Sri Lanka. But they won’t teach you how to use music with modern technology. That’s why most people study abroad.
Do you work full time as a music producer?
When talking about the music industry, I don’t have much time to work as a music producer. Our primary focus is on radio and Tv commercials. Whenever I’m free, I work as a music producer.

What is Redfox?
Redfox Audio Production is the name of my company. However, Redfox is famous in the advertising field. If we look at advertising agencies, you can notice than Redfox is highly popular among them. Our company delivers products efficiently and effectively at high speed. And when we have time, we focus on music field.
How much effort did you sacrifice to promote your brand?
You should always remember that if you produce quality content, your brand name will automatically get promoted. But there are both bad and good brand names that are popular among people. That’s your choice to make it good or bad. I always advise you to do your best.

What are the best hit songs of Redfox?
The latest hit was our new president’s theme song “Wada Karana Ape Wiruwa” song. Before that “Wisekari”, “Ashawari”, “Nura Wasanthe”, “Math Mage Hitha Hadagannam” and many more.
Tell our readers more about new President’s theme song
This song was published 2 months before the presidential election. My mother Malini Liyanage contributed to the lyrics. My brother, Rohitha Rajapaksha and Janaka worked since the beginning of this campaign. Their concept was brought out by the song. First, we introduced this song to Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksha and then we presented it to Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksha. Both of them liked the song very much and they confirmed that this will be their theme song.

How did this song affect your fanbase?
Actually, the number of fans increased because people in other political parties too messaged me and said: “Although our political desires and ideas are different, we like your song.” They appreciated my song without being biased. Therefore, I would like to thank them.
There was a rising topic on social media regarding the owner of “Wada Karana Ape Wiruwa” Song. What do you think about it?
At that time, there was a wrong rumour that someone else produced the song and it was shared among many people like a wildfire. Then many Facebook page owners and other people gave me tremendous support to make things correct. I never expected such great support. Page owners worked hard to promote me and my mother’s name in this incident. I want to thank them a lot.
Is there anything you would like to tell your fans?
I want to tell them to be with me as always. Listen to my songs and share them among your friends. These songs got famous because you guys shared them and played them in parties. So, keep going and I respect you all.